Liberty Mutual Independent
This site was not developed or intended to transact business. The information herewith is related to general situations. Questions related to specific needs should be directed personally through your agent or other company representative
Description : BHS Insurance is a full service agency, offering insurance for your personal needs, business needs and health benefits. We also offer services such as retirement planning, wellness programs and HR coaching to ensure you have a well balanced program.
3055 44TH ST SW, GRANDVILLE, MI 49418
Phone: (616) 531-1900
Fax: (616) 574-3317
Distance: 7.8 Miles
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Interested in switching carriers or changing your policy? BHS is more than happy to help you with that! Fill out this Insurance Change Form to get started, then a BHS representative will be in touch as soon as possible.
You come out of work to find someone backed into your car and failed to leave a note. Now what? Visit our website to fill out an auto claim form to get started. #BHSInsurance.
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