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David Miller
State Farm

1011 Broadway St, Niles, MI 49120-2762
Phone: 269-683-2562
Fax: 269-683-8014
Distance: 4.6 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • I am sure the explanation starts with, "I am not sure it was my fault, BUT.......".
  • The simulator is coming soon to Niles! Great training, and driving the "car" was fun. Always important not to text and drive. I can't wait to help local students. (Yeah that was me in the gray shirt :)) David Miller.
  • How many people feel like they are at this cross roads right now?.
Lorie Bowers
State Farm
About : Auto, Home, Life and Health

68935 Gateway Dr, Edwardsburg, MI 49112-9491
Phone: 269-663-7015
Fax: 269-663-7016
Distance: 6.0 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • OK... we now have 4 choices for cookies: Oatmeal Cranberry, Oatmeal Rasin, Triple Chocolate Chip and Carnival (M&M type cookie). We need some more votes to figure what one we are ordering! Get your family and friends on here to cast their votes!!! We will be placing the order at the end of the month.
  • Dont forget to donate blood at the Edwardsburg Americal Legion Monday, February 21st from 1:00-6:45pm!.
  • It has been snowing all day today, and it looks beautiful outside! Did you go outside and brave the roads or did you stay in and watch the wonderful snow come floating down?.
Liberty Mutual Independent
About : We provide all forms of Property & Casualty Insurance, Individual and Group Health and Life Insurance as well as a full portfolio of Bonds.

Phone: (269) 782-8646
Distance: 9.3 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • Sometimes insurance terms can get confusing. If you have ever wanted a guide to simply explain insurance jargon I have great news. I found a book on that does just that ... check it out -- http:\/\/amzn.
  • People often ask us why their home insurance policy covers the home for more than what the home could realistically be priced for sale. In this months blog post, we address this question in detail. Check it out here .
  • You do not want to wait until you need to file a RV insurance claim to discover your auto insurance does not fully protect your RV. Therefore, it is critical to know the difference between standard auto insurance, and specialty RV insurance.
Scott Stewart
State Farm

2429 S 11th St, Niles, MI 49120-4413
Phone: 269-683-2025
Fax: 269-683-3331
Distance: 6.7 Miles

Paul Barrett
State Farm

224 N Front St, Niles, MI 49120-2223
Phone: 269-683-6178
Fax: 269-683-5653
Distance: 5.0 Miles

Insurance Management Service

214 N 4Th Street, Niles, MI 49120
Distance: 4.9 Miles

Lindt Agency, Inc.

104 W Ferry St , Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Distance: 10.8 Miles


214 Commercial St., Dowagiac, MI 49047
Phone: (269) 782-5131
Fax: (269) 782-8620
Distance: 9.3 Miles

John Scott Agency

105 Commercial Street, Dowagiac, MI 49047
Distance: 9.3 Miles

Melody Colburn

92 E Main St, Niles, MI 49120
Phone: (269) 687-9000
Distance: 5.0 Miles

Liberty Mutual Independent
About : At Keyser Insurance Group building strong relationships is the most important thing we do.

Phone: (269) 381-3570
Fax: (269) 381-1338
Distance: 42.3 Miles

Recent Facebook Posts:
  • Now that Spring has officially arrived (despite the recent snow flurries!), many of you may be getting your motorcycles and convertibles out of storage. Don\u2019t forget to give us a call when you\u2019re ready to change your coverage levels and get back out on the road!.
  • This weekend is the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids\u2019 Sake! Keyser will be at Pinz in Kalamazoo, competing with all the other teams to help local children become matched with mentors and continue their paths to succeeding in school and life.
  • More snow is in the forecast for Tuesday night into Wednesday this week. Stay safe out on the roads!.
Patrick Colburn

92 E Main St, Niles, MI 49120
Phone: (269) 687-9000
Distance: 5.0 Miles

Kemner-Iott Agency of Cass County

60267 Century Drive, Cassopolis, MI 49031
Distance: 9.0 Miles

Paul Littman Agency, Inc.

1200 E Chicago Rd, Sturgis, MI 49091
Distance: 39.4 Miles

Jacob Tardani
Liberty Mutual

7894 Oakland Drive, Portage, MI 49024
Phone: 1-269-327-2006
Fax: 1-269-327-0625
Distance: 37.1 Miles

Cass County, MI Car Insurance Eminent Organizations

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